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Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive is the worldwide leader of the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International. God first called her when she was seven years old, through this calling He commissioned her to work on helping set aside souls for the kingdom of heaven. The spiritual gifts—as described in the Bible—began manifesting themselves in her beginning in 1972. People attest to have witnessed in her the signs, wonders and marvels that the Scripture states God’s apostles and prophets are known for.

This truth is proven day by day. There are countless testimonies from people around the world who bear witness to blessings, benefits, deliverance, peace, and life changes they have experienced. The support from God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to His Work and the person He chose to lead His Church in this day and age is undeniable.

Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive preaches the Word of the Lord throughout the world, and has conducted hundreds of Bible studies in almost every continent. As a result of her exemplary religious and community work, she has received Honorary Doctorates or doctor honoris causa, academic honors, and many other accolades, as bestowed by various institutions both in Colombia and throughout the world.

Official Bible version: New King James Version

In the English language, the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International uses the New King James Version as its official Bible.

En el idioma inglés, la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional hace uso de la biblia New King James Version como versión oficial.